Contractor Storage: Storing Construction Items In Shipping Containers
Contractors have the unique challenge of maintaining a tidy job site and ensuring materials and equipment are safe and secure overnight. Shipping containers can be used on a construction job site to store items that can be harmful if not properly handled, secure valuable tools, and to manage materials that will be needed later. Storage containers keep the job site neat and save valuable time.
Construction job site theft of power tools and high value materials is one of the most common scenarios for contractors. Power tools are generally expensive, and thieves can easily grab them. Commonly stolen power tools include concrete mixers, hand drills, skid drives, screwdrivers, and pressure washers. Tools left out in plain view may not only tempt thieves but could also injure workers and other people on the site. Also, any valuable items left in the parking lot or in the break room are targets for theft. Lastly, many job sites have valuable materials that thieves seek to resell such as copper fittings, specialty tiles and more.
Oftentimes construction companies and contractors cannot store large equipment securely due to its size. Bulldozers, loaders, forklifts, skid steers, and generators are often left on the site, with the keys removed and locks placed on the steering wheels etc. However, most small equipment is compact enough to fit into a shipping container, and it is usually worth protecting in one. Container shelving can be used to keep your job site organized and provide for easy access to materials. Companies that are not taking appropriate precautions are at risk of losing money due to downtime and the need to repurchase tools and supplies. If you own or manage a business site that has not been securing all of its tools properly, making some investments in shipping containers where tools and materials can be locked and stored securely is a no-brainer. A shipping container, with its doors securely locked, is a powerful deterrent to construction job site theft.